Square Text Symbols

Different square text symbols/Emoji available like black square symbol, white square symbol, square inside square etc has been provided for the user to copy, paste and use these emoji at their needs, Details of these square text symbols/Emoji has been provided above the box, Copy option is provided along so that these text symbols can be easily copied.


Black Square

White Square

square inside a square

Square with Horizontal Fill

square with cross fill

Square with left slash

Square with right slash

Square with cross hatch

square with left half black

square with right half black

Square with left diagonal black

Square with round corner/curved edges

square with square in upper left quadrant

White medium square

Black medium square

Square with Key

Diamond in a square

square with cross

square with crossed circle

Round corner square

Square with cup

Shadowed square 1

Shadowed square 2

Shadowed square 3

Shadowed square 4

Square with right diagonal black

Square with single diagonal 1

Square with single diagonal 2

Square with Asterisk

Square with circle inside

Square inside a square

two joined square

Square with contour line

white square with Error bar

Black square with Error bar

Square with Top half Black

Square with Bottom half black

Square with Triangle Top pointing

square with square in lower right quadrant

Square with Target

Black Large square

White Large Square

Tiny Black Square

Tiny White Square

Dotted square

square with vertical line

square with left tick

Square with Right Tick

Square with Triangle Down pointing

square with square in upper right quadrant

square with square in lower left quadrant

Cool Text Symbol